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    Full Spine Trigger Point Balancing

    Dr. Reuben uses a non-manual technique called Full Spine Trigger Point Balancing. It is based upon a technique called VOM or Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation, to which Dr. Reuben has developed modifications. There are no chiropractic maneuvers involving pushing, pulling, or twisting done on your horse. Dr. Reuben uses a hand held electrically pulsed device that is also used for Posture Correction Technique on humans. This is a precision directed, mechanically assisted stimulation of trigger poits up and down the horse's back, alongside the spine. The device induces and restores proper firing of nerve impulses from the trigger points to the brain. The brain then sends back balanced signals to the muscles on both sides of the spine, freeing up motion to stiffened spinal and hip joints, allowing proper balanced function to return to the muscles and nerves. The result is similar to resetting a tripped circuit breaker in your home, turning the power back on, or repeatedly pressing ctrl alt delete to reboot your computer. 

    Trigger Point Balancing is important to use first because it normalizes the altered firing patterns of the neurons which control the muscles, otherwise the muscles would simply resume their overcompensation patterns as soon as they are subjected to the stress of normal use, such as riding.

    The next therapy to be applied is Arthrostim Myofascial Release, using an FDA approved instrument called an Arthrostim. This instrument performs a rapid "compress and release" action on muscle groups, similar to Active Release Technique used on humans but delivered at a rate of 14 pulses per second! This creates a rapid stretching and releasing of the muscle, which seperates muscle fibers and breaks up adhesions that have formed between them. This will result in relaxation of tense and spasmed muscles. This clears the way for the next therapy to be used, which is Rapid Wave Release

    Following application of this sequence of therapies, your horse will feel looser, balanced, and more comfortable. There is usually a noticeable and immediate improvement in the horse's performance.

    Potential Symptoms in Horses with Back Problems
    1. Chronic front leg problems, tripping, stumbling
    2. Difficulty going up and/or down hills
    3. Short stepping with one or both rear legs
    4. Difficulty turning one or both directions
    5. Resists being shod
    6. Not collecting from behind
    7. Refuses or resists changing leads
    8. Behavioral difficulties, bucking
    9. Difficulty with transitions to trotting, cantering
    10. Agility problems


    For more information or to setup an appointment, contact Dr. Reuben today:


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